Here some poem 4 u dear.....

The name that i always call u,
The name that i say after i say i love you,
The name that i say after i say i love you,
The name that i say after i acusing u with the thing that u didn't do it,
Niey =(,
The name that i say after i fell guilty of acusing u,
The name that i say after i say sorry,
The name that i say after i say happy aniversary...

Thanx you 4 being my bestest best pal,bestest sister n the bestest GurlFren i ever had..!!!

Thank you Pictures, Images and Photos

Thank you anime Pictures, Images and Photos
cute couple Pictures, Images and Photos

Bu just wan to say how happy bu couple with niey...eventhought we owez fighting...but in the end..we are good again...eventhought i scold u badly..still u with me...we start couple on 21.03.2009,but now is just fell like just lucky to have u by my side owez..24/7...with me when im sick....with me when im mad...with me when im happy...with me when im busy...just wan to say i love u so much..!! n hopefully we will stay like this 4ever..!! damn im lucky to be ur lovelife..!!!

Happy Aniversary Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy Aniversary Pictures, Images and Photos
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